Shambhala Day Video

Thanks to all who have waited patiently for the posting of this video — hope you enjoy sharing this joyful celebration! See article

Sakyong Practices for Enrichment and Overcoming Obstacles

On December 3rd and 4th, the Sakyong will perform two pujas, or intensive practices, for the benefit of the community and the world. See article

The Notion of Lineage

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche’s Shambhala Day Address, Year of the Male Fire Monkey, Boulder Shambhala Center, 9 February 2016 See article

Letter from the Sakyong Wangmo

The Sakyong Wangmo writes to us from Nepal See article

Taking Refuge

The Tibetan word for refuge is chup, “to be protected by.” Every day we wake up and tacitly take refuge in something that we think will offer us security and protection. Most of the time we put our poker chip on the little thing that says “desire.” See article

The Practice of Peaceful Abiding

Dharma Teaching by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche Taming our mind through shamatha meditation, or “peaceful abiding,” is the most important thing we can do. Through peaceful abiding, we learn to rest fearlessly in our natural state, which is basic goodness. See article


Dharma Teachings by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche During hard times, people often ask me for advice. They feel destabilized and scattered. They’re often caught up in examining who they are, what the world is, and how they fit in.. See article

Sakyong message to Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church

The Sakyong, having just emerged from leading a deep retreat at Shambhala Mountain Center, wants to share with the Shambhala community the following letter he has written to Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.. See article